Cancellation of ORCRA, 31 October, 2024

At ORCRA's AGM on 21 June 2024, the following motion was passed unanimously.

That ORCRA considers it has completed its purposes as a Community Recovery Committee (CRC), and will cease operation on 31 October 2024, and will return all residual monies to funding bodies at that time.

The current committee remains the same, until 31 October 2024.

ORCRA will continue to operate as normal as we wind down.

A number of projects remain to be completed.

1. ORCRA has received funding from the CRC/LGA funding managed by the East Gippsland Shire Council to retain a consultant to consult with the communities of the Omeo Region to assess the potential for a new regional organisation in our area. Recommendations will include the structure, focus and resourcing of a new regional organisation.

2. ORCRA will complete a final report on the achievements of ORCRA and all communities since 2020, including any goals not yet achieved that require agency action, which will then be distributed to all residents, MPs, and emergency agencies and presented to Council at a date to be set, so that the document is on record.

3. ORCRA will continue a discussion with the East Gippsland Community Foundation about funding for a social mapping project which will expand on the assets, skills, experiences and social connections in the communities of the Omeo Region, that can be formalised for utilisation in a future emergency for increased two-way communication between residents and agencies.

ORCRA acknowledges the support of the East Gippsland Shire Council Bushfire Recovery Team and the East Gippsland Community Foundation and their unflagging assistance in the Omeo Region’s path to recovery.



In common with all CRCs in East Gippsland who have an active website, this website is due to become inactive on June 30th, 2024, as bushfire recovery support moves into emergency support for all levels of government. The site will remain as a record until 31 December, 2024, but not available for downloads or links.

An updated ORCRA disaster resilience plan, and updated local community emergency plans are currently being finalised and can be emailed to you by contacting ORCRA at If there are any other details you wish to have from this website, please email ORCRA and we will sort it out.

The East Gippsland Shire Council will be harvesting information from all the CRC websites to include in their emergency management information.

The Omeo Region Community Recovery Association (ORCRA) was formed to voice the communities of the Omeo Region's needs in preparation, response and recovery.

Populated localities that make up the Omeo District include Anglers Rest, Benambra, Bindi, Bingo Munjie, Brookville, Bundara, Cassilis, Cobungra, Doctors Flat, Ensay, Ensay North, Glen Valley, Hinnomunjie, Livingstone Valley, Omeo, Omeo Valley, Reedy Flat, Shannonvale, Swifts Creek, Tambo Crossing, Tongio and Uplands.

Community resources

You can use the map below to find essential resources for your community. Click on the icons below for ORCRA's Local Emergency Management Plans and the Council's Local Incident Management Plans. Also a link to the ORCRA Resilience Plan, and also an explanation of what to find at assembly areas.

Recovery priorities

In January 2022, the Omeo Region Community Resilience survey closed. The Omeo Region Community Resilience survey was a vital vital part of understanding priority areas and encouraging local voices to have a real input into future planning.

The responses and data recieved from this survey identified 7 key priority areas for the Omeo region's recovery. You can browse these priority areas below and download the survey report to see the responses received.

7 icons represented in a circle that depict ORCRA's 7 priority areas